You have a human right to breastfeed your baby anytime, anywhere. But if you are feeling a little nervous wondering how it all will work, we’ve got some suggestions to help you breastfeed in public smoothly and discreetly.
To start off, choose clothing that makes it easy for your baby to nurse. This could be a stretchy shirt or a shirt with buttons down the front. You can also buy shirts made especially for nursing mothers with openings that let you easily and discreetly offer your breast to your baby. Next, look for a nursing bra that you can work with one hand. This way, you can hold your baby with one arm and use your free hand to get set up.
You might be surprised to know that not very much of your breast is visible during breastfeeding. Try breastfeeding in front of a mirror to see for yourself. If you would still like additional privacy when breastfeeding, you can use a blanket or breastfeeding cover across your chest and shoulder.
Many moms and babies prefer to breastfeed in a quiet area. This is partly to reduce distractions that can take your baby’s attention away from your breast and also for more privacy. Some shopping malls have special quiet areas for mothers to breastfeed their babies.
Once you’ve tried breastfeeding in public a couple of times, you just might be surprised by how unnoticeable it is.
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