Breast milk is best for your baby.

Health Canada, the Canadian Paediatric Society and the Dietitians of Canada recommend that you exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months and that you continue to breastfeed for up to 2 years or longer along with complementary foods.

Similac® Infant Symptoms & Feeding Guidelines For Babies With Diarrhea
Similac® Infant Symptoms & Feeding Guidelines For Babies With Diarrhea
Similac® Infant Symptoms & Feeding Guidelines For Babies With Diarrhea


All this talk about poop: it’s just part of raising babies. But did you know that your baby’s stools can tell you a lot about her health, especially her digestion? Stools can be yellow, green, or brown, with a consistency from applesauce to play dough, and still be considered normal.

A bit like tea leaves, stools can be "read". We can help you recognize when your baby has diarrhea or constipation, and provide some tips on how you can help her feel better.

To learn more about your baby’s stools, check out our Stool Tool. You will be amazed just how much your baby’s poop can tell you.

Baby diarrhea

If your baby’s stools suddenly become softer and more frequent, she might have diarrhea caused by an infection or an inability to properly digest certain nutrients in her food. If the diarrhea becomes excessive in frequency or volume, or if you notice any of the following symptoms, call your pediatrician or health care professional:

  • Blood or mucus in stools
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Irritability
  • Refusal to eat
  • Decreased or dark-colored urine
  • Decreased activity

Also, if her diarrhea continues or worsens, talk to your health care professional. Switching baby formulas might help.

Is lactose the problem?

Your baby may be going through a phase where digesting lactose is more difficult. Aside from diarrhea, the symptoms of lactose intolerance can also include gas, cramping, and/or bloating. Your health care professional may recommend Similac® Sensitive® Lactose Sensitivity, our specially designed formula for infants with lactose intolerance. We also offer a soy-based infant formula, Similac® Isomil®, a naturally lactose-free option.

Could your baby be allergic to the cow's milk protein in her formula?

In this case, your health care professional may recommend Similac® Alimentum®, a hypoallergenic formula for the dietary management of cow's milk protein allergy.

Please note that this information is not meant to replace the advice of your baby’s health care professional who we recommend you contact if you are concerned, or before making changes to your baby’s diet.


Canadian Paediatric Society. Dehydration and diarrhea in children: Prevention and Treatment. June 2013. Accessed April 2017 at:


Canadian Paediatric Society. Food allergy vs. food intolerance: What is the difference and can I prevent them? December 2013. Accessed April 2017 at:


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