Breast milk is best for your baby.

Health Canada, the Canadian Paediatric Society and the Dietitians of Canada recommend that you exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months and that you continue to breastfeed for up to 2 years or longer along with complementary foods.

Similac® Infant Feeding Guidelines & Info For Babies With Fussyness and Gas
Similac® Infant Feeding Guidelines & Info For Babies With Fussyness and Gas
Similac® Infant Feeding Guidelines & Info For Babies With Fussyness and Gas

Fussiness and baby gas: mostly normal and manageable

Like many moms, you may find that your baby gets fussy from time to time. This is totally normal, just as finding it tiring is also totally normal.

Here are some tips to help you manage and soothe your baby. First, you will need to examine what could be making your baby fussy. Some of the more common reasons include overstimulation, fatigue, or diaper rash. Another reason for a fussy baby may have to do with tummy size. So do not over-feed your baby as too much milk may make her uncomfortable and cause spit-up.

Sometimes, babies may get fussy because they are gassy. Gas is very common in babies, but some have a tougher time with it than others. So what causes gas?

The two most common causes

  1. Swallowed air: babies swallow large amounts of air when feeding and crying. If the air is not burped back up, it passes into the digestive tract. This trapped air can make babies uncomfortable.
  2. Digestion: gas is a natural part of the digestive process that occurs when food is broken down.

If your baby shows signs of excessive fussiness during and after feedings, and appears uncomfortable, then these are signs that she might have gas. What to do?

Here are some helpful tips. Try burping your baby, in case she has air in her stomach. Using a different bottle or nipple might help, as could massaging her tummy or gently moving her legs in a bicycling motion.

Your baby’s tiny tummy may need some time to adjust as it grows and matures. Similac Total ComfortTM is our tummy-friendly and easy to digest formula. It is made from 100% whey protein that is already broken down into smaller pieces. By partially breaking down the protein, the first step in protein digestion has been started for your baby. It is designed to be easy for your baby’s little tummy to digest while providing the nutrition she needs to grow and develop.

Of course, as in all such cases, contact your health care professional if you have questions or concerns, and before making changes to your baby’s diet.

† Similar to other infant formulas.

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