Breast milk is best for your baby.

Health Canada, the Canadian Paediatric Society, and the Dietitians of Canada recommend that you exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months and that you continue to breastfeed for up to 2 years or longer along with complementary foods.

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Home / Formula-Feeding / Baby feeding issues / Lactose intolerance your baby

What is lactose intolerance?

Lactose is a sugar present in all types of milk — breast milk, cow’s milk, and most commercial infant formulas. In the first few months of life, some babies may not completely digest the lactose in their milk, and this can cause them to be gassy, and if they get gassy, they may become fussy. This should be temporary. Fortunately, true lactose intolerance is very rare in babies.

Piece of cheese next to a bottle with baby formula and a pitcher of water
Snapped snow peas with peas next to it

The symptoms of lactose intolerance

  • Gas
  • Stomach rumbling
  • Cramping
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea

Fortunately, there are two nutritionally complete options from the makers of Similac® that may help reduce fussiness and gas due to lactose intolerance.

Similac® Sensitive® Lactose Sensitivity is a milk-based formula designed for babies with lactose intolerance. We also offer Similac® Isomil®, a soy-based infant formula that is naturally lactose-free.

As always, be sure to discuss with your health care professional before making changes to your baby’s diet.

For more information on lactose intolerance, consult the reference below.

Food allergy vs. food intolerance: What is the difference and can I prevent them. Canadian Paediatric Society.

† Similar to other infant formulas
Not suitable for babies with galactosemia, congenital lactase deficiency, or cow’s milk protein allergy.