Breast milk is best for your baby.

Health Canada, the Canadian Paediatric Society and the Dietitians of Canada recommend that you exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months and that you continue to breastfeed for up to 2 years or longer along with complementary foods.

Similac® Mom Guide To Feeding: When & How To Start Introducing Solids
Similac® Mom Guide To Feeding: When & How To Start Introducing Solids
Similac® Mom Guide To Feeding: When & How To Start Introducing Solids

Your baby’s first bites

There is something genuinely exciting about watching your baby take her first tentative nibble of solid food. You can almost see her hesitating and thinking "Hey! What’s this?" before taking a second experimental bite. Her funny faces will have you laughing. Keep your phone or camera handy.

Every baby is different, but yours will let you know how much she wants to eat and what she likes and dislikes. She will also eat different amounts on different days.

When introducing solid foods, begin with single-ingredient foods. Wait 3 to 5 days before introducing each new food to confirm or dismiss any concern about allergies.

Start with a small amount and increase gradually. Even a teaspoonful is enough for some beginners.

Getting into the feeding solids groove

Do not be surprised if at first the food comes right back out. Your baby's natural instinct is to use the same mouth and tongue movements as she did when nursing or sucking from a bottle. So, as your baby transitions from a totally liquid diet of formula, she might not swallow much at first.

Start by introducing iron-rich foods such as meat, meat alternatives, and iron-fortified cereals. Her first solid food could be a mix of 4 to 5 tablespoons of Similac® formula with 1 to 2 tablespoons of iron-fortified rice cereal (follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prepare the cereal). At first, babies usually respond better to a thinner consistency. Put a small amount of warm cereal on the tip of a rubber-coated spoon and place it in your baby's mouth.

Here are some more tips on introducing solid foods

At first, try giving your baby solid food for only one feeding each day. If she will not eat it, try introducing it again in a few days.

Choose a time of day that is the least stressful for you and when your baby is not too hungry. Many parents find mid-morning or mid-afternoon an ideal time.

As your baby gets used to eating from a spoon, you can gradually increase the amount and consistency, offering 2 or 3 feedings a day.

Your baby should always be in a seated position when eating.

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